
Monday, May 30, 2011

To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity

1.. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom.. Don't Disguise Your Voice!
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, ask If They Want Fries with that.
4. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks . Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to  

5. In the Memo Field Of All Your Cheques, Write ' For Marijuana.
6. Skip down the hall Rather Than Walk and see how many looks you get..
7. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.
8. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is 'To Go'.
Sing Along At The Opera. 
10. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You have a headache.
11. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream 'I Won! I Won!' 
12. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot, Yelling 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'
13. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.' 

Friday, May 27, 2011

I cannot hear you!!

You can’t tell an athlete to rest!

The most difficult patient is an athletic patient as they never seem to be able to understand or even hear the word....REST! Most of the time an athlete will present with a muscular, ligament or tendon injury. These are usually sprains, strains or complete tears. Below is some education on the difference between sprains and strains.

Strains are defined as partial or complete tears in a muscle and have 3 levels.
·         Grade 1 strain is associated with small tears within the muscle fibers. Muscle strength stays normal and healing typically takes 10-21 days.
·         Grade 2 strains, the muscle fibers are partially torn. The athlete will experience reduced strength and up to four weeks of therapy and rehabilitation is required.
·         Grade 3 strain is a complete muscle rupture. An MRI is needed to fully evaluate the injury.
Grades 2-3 strains will have a reasonable amount of swelling.

Sprains are injuries to a ligament, ligaments are tough fibrous tissue that holds bones together across a joint. This injury can produce pain or instability in the injured joint and is also listed in 3 levels.
·         Grade 1 sprain, there is pain and swelling, but no instability. Like the strains, this injury is associated with small tears in the ligament. Time, rest, ice, compression wraps and elevation are required for healing (R.I.C.E.= Rest Ice Compression Elevation).
·         Grade 2 sprains are partial ruptures that could cause some instability within the joint. Rehabilitation may be required as well as prolonged rest, icing, compression and elevation.
·         Grade 3 sprains may actually feel less painful than grade 2s, but there is a complete rupture of the ligament and much more swelling. A brace and possibly a surgical procedure are necessary for full healing.

It is imperative that we define these injuries and how they should be treated. Most athletes will take anti-inflammatories to help relieve some of the pain from a sprain or strain. This could actually be counterproductive, as it causes more blood to pool into the injury and this prolongs healing and increases scar tissue formation.

Contact details:
Dr Angela Pasteilledes
96 Brand Road (inside TAP Kruger)
Tel: 031 201 1442
Cell: 083 233 1187

Friday, May 20, 2011

What's the norm?

A common question I get asked is what conditions I see and treat the most. Although I treat everything, the most common disorder I see is headaches.
Headaches are common in most people and there a many factors that can contribute to causing a headache.

There are many different types of headaches, such as:
·         Tension headaches (feels like a tight cap over your head)
·         Cluster headaches (occur at the same time everyday)
·         Cervicogenic headaches (caused by mechanical trauma such as whiplash)
·         Migraines ( may have sensitivity to light & noise, nausea & vomiting)
·         Sinus headaches
·         Mixed headache syndrome (combination of a few types of headaches)

What causes headaches?
There are many factors that contribute to getting a headache.
Stress, diet, dehydration, mechanical issues, hormones, drugs, illness, muscular tension and high blood pressure, are to name a few.
The chiropractor will address most these issues in the consultation.

How do I (a Chiropractor) treat headaches?
Most headaches sufferers take certain medications to treat the headaches; this however does not treat the cause of the headache, just the symptom(s).

Since many factors can contribute to a headache, the main aim is to see whether any mechanical and muscular stress can reproduce the headache or cause discomfort, once these areas are located, they can then be treated and the mechanical cause can then be eliminated, causing the headaches to disappear completely or at least lessen it to a manageable state.

Not all Chiropractors treat the same way, so I shall give a breakdown of what I do in my own practice to treat headaches.

Dietary advice is often given to my patients to help them eliminate any food causing factors as well as a lack in vitamins.

I find patients respond well to acupuncture/dry needling, muscles that are in spasm will also get acupressure (squeezing the spasm/trigger point), sometimes I place a mechanical device known as a TENS unit over the area to help the muscles relax. TENS is a tiny machine with pads that you place over the affected area and an electrical impulse is sent into the muscle to stimulate it and help it relax. It is not painful, it feels like a tingling sensation and is safe to use on children, and the elderly.

After the muscles have been treated I then manipulate / adjust the segments of the spine that are mechanically ‘out of place’. Once the spine and muscles are functioning like they should the patient feels relief from the headache. The patient is then also given some stretching exercises to do some home care.

Headaches can be tricky due to the many causing factors, and most headache sufferers are quick to get a headache when exposed to any causing factor, especially stress and bad posture from desk work.

Don’t spend your life popping pills, try some holistic healing. What have you got to lose?

Contact details:
Dr Angela Pasteilledes
96 Brand Road (inside TAP Kruger)
Tel: 031 201 1442
Cell: 083 233 1187

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Leave nothing to doubt

"Leave everything on the road - Leave nothing to doubt" is a phrase that I have come to use in my life. It originated on the tar roads of Durban on my road bike but has crept into all aspects of my life! Here is how it came about ... these are the words I wrote down after a cycling event last year. It was 50 km done on the tandem with my dad.

I know that in the past, in terms of sporting events, I always hold thereby keeping something in reserve just in case. This was probably me being scared of hitting the wall and having to suffer home. Well not this time. This time I left it all out on the road. I look back now  and can say that I could not have done any more - I left nothing to doubt today.

The result was that afterwards I could not stand up straight but could stand tall. not because we had won the race on the day but because I know I did everything and gave everything I had that day. I do say that God provided me with not only the physical strength but most importantly the mental focus required to carry on when all I wanted to do was slow down and cruise on home.

A big day indeed. Laid everything down. Left everything on the road. But even with nothing left to doubt - the greatest part of it all was being able to enter.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Take me back to the Stone Age...

Our lives today have drastically altered from what they use to be centuries ago, we were built to walk on uneven surfaces like beaches and grass and we are now forced to walk on flat hard surfaces. This is the source and cause of most peoples’ lower back pain, as the feet have to now accommodate to walking on solid structures the lower back then takes the brunt of it all since as we all know.. “the hip bone’s connected to the knee bone, the knee bone’s connected to the ankle bone...”
We also used to live active lifestyles whereby we had to walk everywhere, hunt for food, farm for food, today us humans spend the majority of our lives sitting in one place whether it be at our desks, in our cars or on our couches at home, we sit, sit and sit some more.

How does walking on uneven surfaces make a difference?
If you walk on the beach generally the next day you will feel stiff in the lower legs and may even have sore feet, it is because different muscles and ligaments are now being stimulated to support the ankle and foot bones while trying to maintain balance on an uneven surface. We are supposed to have these ligaments and muscles stimulated daily. I tell my patients to have their morning cup of coffee or tea in their garden walking around barefoot.

How does sitting affect us?
Sitting is sedentary and doesn’t allow us to burn fat, obese people sit for 2.5 hours longer than thinner people. When you sit immediately the body slows down, the electrical activity in your legs is drastically reduced, enzymes that help break down fat slow down by 90%, and calorie burning is reduced to 1 calorie per minute.
After 2 hours of sitting, the good cholesterol in the body drops by 20%.
Cardiovascular disease is twice as likely to occur in those individuals with desk jobs.
To try stay more active at work, get up every now and then, stretch, walk around, take the stairs and keep more active!

Words of wisdom to take away from this article:
1. Daily walks on the beach or grass is good for you, 
2. Keep that blood pumping and those muscles working!

Contact details:
Dr Angela Pasteilledes
96 Brand Road (inside TAP Kruger)
Tel: 031 201 1442
Cell: 083 233 1187

Friday, May 6, 2011

It is not like the movies!

I find the majority of people are afraid to see a chiropractor because they are afraid of the NECK MANIPULATION.  
Frequently patients ask me... “Can you break my neck?” and I always tell them that the movies lie and it is not that easy to ‘break someone’s neck’.
When going to see a chiropractor, a full medical history will be taken, from this the chiropractor will determine whether a neck adjustment would be contra-indicated or not, if there is any doubt x-rays may be done to determine the outcome.
Certain medical conditions are contra-indicated for manipulation in certain areas of the body; the chiropractor will be aware of this and stay clear from such areas.
When getting a neck manipulation the chiropractor doesn’t use brute force to manipulate/click the neck, the manipulation is done by careful placement of the joints in certain positions with a light thrust that moves them into the correct position. The manipulation is not painful and would help restore function and relieve pain.
Neck manipulations are used to treat many conditions such as:
  • Stiffness
  • Whiplash
  • Disc injuries
  • Nerve pain
  • Headaches
  • Muscular weakness
  • Facial pain
  • Shoulder, elbow and wrist pain
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome

If the chiropractor believes that a neck adjustment is contra-indicated, often manipulation of other parts of the body can help aid in alleviation of pain and increase the range of motion.

Contact details:
Dr Angela Pasteilledes
96 Brand Road (inside TAP Kruger)
Tel: 031 201 1442
Cell: 083 233 1187

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Only 2 reasons for failing!

Generally, students and people around them come up with many different reasons for failing. I have been studying for quite some time and has realized that there are really only two reasons for failure in terms of studying  and the writing of exams.
The reasons for failing:

  1. Lack knowledge
  2. Lack of technique
This ebook is very useful and I have used the information to prepare for my upcoming exams in 2 weeks time!

What does this ebook contain?
  • The two reasons for failing
  • 12 ways to overcome the reasons
  • Additional tips for on the day of the exam 

Currently it is only available in PDF format but it will soon be published to Kindle format.
The price of $2 is a bargain when compared to other ebooks.

When you want to buy the ebook please send an email to me and i will send you banking details (sorry no Paypal as yet) and when payment is made - the ebook will be emailed to you*.

* Terms and conditions apply.