
Monday, June 13, 2011

Why do students fail?

There are only 2 reasons to fail.

Seriously? I can think of many reasons though.

Yes, I am serious. Whether you are at school, varsity, young or old, you will only fail for 2 reasons. This ebook will not only tell you those two reasons but give you methods on how to pass.

Reason 1: Lack of knowledge.
Fairly easy to figure this one out - you just do not have the information to put down on the paper and you fail. Simple. Easy. Horrible to witness.

Solutions to pass:
These solutions are not how to get the information into your head (Far too broad to write on) but rather techniques and hints on how to make sure are at optimal performance when studying that information.
1. Diet. You heard it before and it’s true. You are what you eat. If you eat badly then you will perform badly. A good healthy diet will provide your body and brain with the nutrients to help you retain that knowledge.
2. Exercise. Together with diet - exercise will maintain healthy body but more importantly give your brain a complete break from the studying. This will help you focus when you hit the books again. Do not do a marathon training routine if you have not exercised for a while but rather a 20 minute walk 3 to 5 times a week will do the trick.
3. The 5 minute rule. If you battle to sit down to study - try this. Say 'I am just going to study for 5 minutes'. Before you know it - you will studying and the 5 minutes are over long ago.

Reason 2: Lack of technique.
More often than not this applies to students. You have the knowledge but you fail because of bad exam technique. I personally have failed many exams for this reason. This reason often happens to people further on in their studies when the knowledge is there and its only techniques of getting it on paper that fail you.

Solutions to pass:
1. Papers papers papers. Beg, borrow, and get your hands on past papers or mock exams or whatever you call them. Get them and practise, practice and then practice some more. When doing this there are additional things to do - mark them and analyse where you went wrong. List these points and concentrate next time to correct these mistakes.
2. Practice time management. In exams you have limited time. Analyse the time you have and split it up into smaller chunks as per the question. For example: you have 2 hours (120 minutes). Your paper is 100 marks. That’s 1.2 minutes per mark. If you have a 10 mark question - you only have 12 minutes to spend on it. Once you hit that time limit - stop and move on to the next question. You have to stick to the limit and you have to practice this technique. Otherwise it will freak you out on the day.
3. Read what’s required. My mom always drummed into our heads 'read the question!'. Read the question - then answer it! Simple? Easy? Do it.
4. Plan the solution - plan the answer. Do a rough sketch of the answer before you start writing. This way you will remember to write all the points that you know and will not forget them. Try it on a practice question.

The above information is an excerpt from my ebook and all email subscribers will receive a free copy when you sign up!
Additional material is also in the ebook. Sign up and receive it free!


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