
Monday, September 19, 2011

I have moved!

Good day to you!

I have moved my blog to the following address:

All new posts will be posted there. Although this blog will be active for quite some time - no new posts will be posted here.

I would love to see you on the new blog and thank you for your support and readership on this blog.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Gentle Enough But Effective!

Chiropractic treatment has been known to help babies that suffer with colic and sleeping disorders. It calms and relaxes them to be able to function better.

What does a chiropractor do for the baby:
The chiropractor will assess the baby to make sure the appropriate reflexes are present and that the milestones are being met at the appropriate age. Some education on feeding and burping positions as well as dietary advice may be given to the mother. The chiropractor will apply gentle pressure over the affected joint/area to restore normal functioning, which then allows the nervous system to function at its best, alleviating irritation and pain at that site. Since the nerves to the muscles and organs exit from the spinal cord, optimum functioning of the spinal cord then enables the baby to grow and its bodily functions to be at its best.
A study of 1250 babies examined 5 days after birth, found that 211 suffered from vomiting, hyperactivity and sleeplessness. 95% had spinal abnormalities, and all showed improvement after chiropractic treatment (even after one session).

Definition of Colic
The definition of colic is an unexplainable and uncontrollable crying in children from 0-3 months of age, for more than 3 hours a day,3 times a week and for more than 3 weeks — usually in the afternoon and evening hours.
Colic is blamed on excess gas within the intestines, dietary problems and birth trauma, however the exact cause is unknown. Treatment for colic currently mainly revolves around pharmacotherapy (buscopan, colic drops etc), changing of the baby’s formulae and positioning techniques during feeding and burping. Chiropractic treatment is increasing in popularity & is becoming the treatment of choice.
Recent studies which compare chiropractic to drug treatment show that there is a significant improvement up to 90% of all cases with chiropractic treatment.
Chiropractors have reason to believe that the birth process could be one of the causes for colic. During birth the baby’s spine and neck may get damaged whilst moving down the birth canal. During the pushing stage the baby’s spine is under pressure from the squeezing and pushing of the contractions (induced labour amplifies this and increases the pressure on the spine).
When lying on your back during labour the pelvic opening is reduced by 1.5cm which places extra stress on the baby’s spine.
In order for the baby to go through the birth canal its head and neck have to twist into different positions which can cause problems later on. Signs and symptoms of such trauma can lead to irritability in the baby and can present as:
  • Colic
  • Poor feeding
  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • Crying, restlessness, anxiety
  • Doesn’t want to lie on back
  • Reflux
  • Will only feed on one side
  • Head favours one side
  • Flat head

If you notice your baby is suffering with any of the following, why not have them checked out by a chiropractor, the treatments are gentle and effective.

Contact details:
Dr Angela Pasteilledes
96 Brand Road (inside TAP Kruger)
Tel: 031 201 1442
Cell: 083 233 1187

Editors note: This is a guest post and not always the opinion or view of the blog or its owners and related parties. As a result no action can be taken against such parties. This article is to be used as a guide only and is aimed at educating the reader in the topic covered. Please consult Angela on the above details or your local medical practitioner for more concise instructions.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Have a little help from your feet...

The feet have the most important job in the body when it comes to mechanical functioning of the body.

They are the first point of impact when standing and walking.

As humans we were suppose to learn to walk on uneven surfaces like grass and sand, however we learn to walk on hard level surfaces which impact on our foot development.

If the foot doesn’t function optimally, we then end up having problems elsewhere, like the knee, hip and lower back. They are all connected. They are a kinematic chain and when one doesn’t function the rest over compensate, resulting in pain!

Often patients will complain of knee and lower back pain resulting from a foot that is ‘stuck’ in a sense. They may not know the foot is a problem until it is assessed by someone (chiropractor, orthotist, podiatrist etc).

SO what do we do?
It can be as simple as adjusting the foot, however the foot might need some added help from an orthotic to ensure that it moves in all the right places at the different parts of the gait cycle, otherwise the same pain will keep occurring and no matter how many times you get everything adjusted as soon as you get up to walk again, you are back to square one.
So put your best foot forward and get yourself assessed.

Contact details:
Dr Angela Pasteilledes
96 Brand Road (inside TAP Kruger)
Tel: 031 201 1442
Cell: 083 233 1187

Editors note: This is a guest post and not always the opinion or view of the blog or its owners and related parties. As a result no action can be taken against such parties. This article is to be used as a guide only and is aimed at educating the reader in the topic covered. Please consult Angela on the above details or your local medical practitioner for more concise instructions.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Shoulda Coulda Woulda

Should, could and would are three words that are very simple. When used they often layer on many more emotions by the person saying them.  They are often used by many people. Unfortunately, the person using them is often relaying something that they have not done or wanted to be done but has not been done, for whatever reason.
Some examples of phrases using these words:
  •          I should have done the washing up.
  •          I should have spent more time with him / her.
  •          He could be anything he wants.
  •          I would like to go on holiday more.I would love to get a new car.

Should is a word that generally is used to describe some action or event in the past. Would and could are generally used to describe the future. Would and could are often coupled with two other words, if and or only, which then leads to dangerous territory for the speaker. For example:
  •          If I had a better job, I could get a more reliable car.
  •          If I had the money that he has then I would buy a new house.
  •          If I had more time, I would go to gym more often.

Now that the English language lesson is over – what is the point of all this?

There is no problem with these words or using them, however, there can be a problem with using these words too often and in the wrong context. When we get depressed or down with life and the trials it does bring when often resort to woeful periods with loads of sentences with all of the above words in them. This does nothing except dig that hole deeper. It leads to a downward spiral which can be hard to break. Thus staying away from these words is a great idea. In fact, when you recognise that you are using these words and the mood is going downward, just avoiding these words can be the start of breaking the cycle. You actually do not have to use wonderfully, flowery and up beat language and sentences to break the cycle. Having said that, the biggest trick is to recognise that you are in that downward cycle, and stop it.

A big factor in the use of these words is the people you speak to. Think about the people you speak to on a regular basis. Do you get uplifted when you talk to them? Do you walk away feeling drained and exhausted with time dragging its heels? If the latter is true, try and recall the conversation. Did it contain the” shoulda, coulda woulda” type sentences? I am positive it did.

I am not saying that you must never use those words. Sentences with the words are necessary and important too. I am suggesting that you have better words to use that convey the same message in a constructive way.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We Can All Be Right!

After doing some research into pregnancy and having witnessed a number of children being raised around me, I have noticed that there is not one way of doing it. There is no right and no wrong way to raise children. In fact, this can be taken across all aspects of life. In my experience within the accounting world, there are certain guidelines and standards that have to be abided by, but on top of those standards, there is certainly a huge variance as to the way to go about things.

This is where the topic of “it’s not wrong, but different” came up. In other words, everybody is right! You are now shouting at me because you have told that you are wrong and that you have to do whatever in a certain manner. This ‘certain manner’ is where you are right and so is your (fill in the blank).
Let me give you a practical example. Let us go with children because we all were once children and were raised differently. Formula versus breast milk. Oh, dodgy topic this one. The ideal, God given way to do it is breast feeding, true. Some women find it difficult to breast feed so go to formula. Some women do not want to breast feed so go straight to formula. Are these women are wrong for choosing formula at all? Yes and no. yes because the female body was designed to feed a baby breast milk. No, because if they are not producing enough milk or cannot produce any, then the baby would in fact not survive past about a week or two. Then the mother becomes a shocking mother because she let her baby die etc. Who is right then? Well, both are. You would never let a baby die and would do anything to make sure it survived, including giving it formula.

Another good example for you. Discipline. Another touchy subject I know but it illustrates the point. This is taken from a South African point of view and law. Capital punishment is out at schools by law. Smacking kids is becoming less and less frequent at home too. Naughty corner or step or time outs are the going favourites currently. Some of you might say ‘just give the kid a good wallop’ or something to that extent. I was subject to few wallops growing up myself and no long term damage was done. So who is right? Everybody. All kids grow up whichever way they are disciplined so it does not really matter. The results of the discipline in the child do vary but that’s debatable as to the cause.

There are so many important aspects of life to worry about that being right and wrong is often not the main concern. Both parties may well be correct or incorrect. You have to look at the bigger picture and decide if it is worth the fight in the long run. Sometimes it will be but most times – it just is not worth worrying about. 

Different is not always wrong.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Do not be a hero ... Bend with the knees

People hurt their back all the time by using their body inappropriately to do simple things.
I see it in people all the time when they bend straight forwards to lift things, as well as parents and grandparents when handling their children and grandchildren.